Monday, September 8, 2014

Columbia Gorge Hotel

Almost a full year ago, John and I headed to Portland from New York. The drive was very long, as anyone could imagine, but we had quite an adventure and I loved every moment of it. As we got closer to Portland around dusk driving West along I-84 and we passed a mysterious hotel. After several trips into the Gorge I became more fascinated with the hotel and we finally investigated it on my birthday. The Columbia Gorge Hotel features a small spa, restaurant, and very small gift shop. It was built in 1902 when roads weren't major highways, but politely paved roads. 

It's website reads, "To alert the hotel, the captains (from steam ships on the river) would sound the whistle once for each guest he had on board. Maids would then quickly make up the appropriate number of beds."

Today the hotel seems like it needs a push of energy to freshen it up. It had some great potential, but needed some updating. It's still a wonderful place to visit, and it's certainly a very scenic place for people to have weddings. Anyone who stops by is sure to sense it's powerful nostalgic pull to the past.


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