Monday, September 1, 2014

Coney Island

It feels appropriate to talk about Coney Island today for Labor Day, since it's the last unofficial day of summer. When I was in New York a couple weeks ago, to celebrate Angela's birthday, I went for my third time to Brooklyn's seaside playground. Having undergone many changes over the years it definitely feels that Coney Island is still changing (definitely for the better). It's landmark parachute tower, left as a stark skeleton for many years, has new LED lights with fast-changing configurations that looks really stunning at night. New rides that fill in the boardwalk help the area feel more connected and safer. I finally got to eat a Nathan's hot dog, we checked out the Freak Show, and went on the famous Coney Island Cyclone, as well as several other rides. It's nice to see a part of old New York adapt to new tastes while keeping most of it's original intergrity.

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